I rescued a white mouse. Someone left her in the wild, probably not realizing she will not survive.
So I went for my daily walk and suddenly I see a white mouse sitting on the edge of the road, calmly eating. I stared at her for a while and she clearly wasn’t afraid of me. I realized I can’t leave her there, so I caught her, carried her home in my bag, and put her in a pot, along with some paper tissues, oatmeal, and water. I was improvising with what I had at hand.
I named her Daisy. (In my language, Czech, that’s “Kopretina”.)
Later I went shopping for a terrarium and all things a mouse might need. She has been living with me for several weeks and she seems to be acclimating well. I tried to get her used to my hand by putting treats in my palm and offering them to her – she started taking them very quickly.
That’s when I discovered she bites. Not aggressively, not out of fear, but exploratively, just nipping, like she is thinking “What do I have here? I better taste it!” That can be the reason someone threw her out. She always starts by biting the nail on my thumb and continues to my fingers.
I had learned to move the tip of my thumb to prevent further biting. I have started to offer her my hand as a bridge to climb of that cage, and she runs up and down the length of my arm, on the top of her terrarium, and back. She doesn’t seem to be afraid of my hand anymore. I’m very happy that she recognizes it as safe. 🙂
I have never had a mouse before, so have to learn how to care for her properly. But even though she lives mostly at night and I see her only in the evenings, I’m glad to have another living being with me in the apartment.
I had her in a pot before I bought her a proper terarium. Girl gotta learn how to improvise 😀
When I first brought my three Degu home, they were doing the same thing as your Mouse Daisy/Kopretina – the nibbling on my fingernail or finger just to taste and see what is this thing? I had also been feeding them by hand to get them used to me as a “safe person”. I found that the behavior finally went away when I would alternate giving treats sometimes, and then just putting my hand in other times. It took about a week but they did finally figure out that apparently I’m not too tasty! Ha, ha!
I’m so happy that you rescued this little one and brought her home to be with you!
Same, nowadays she doesn’t nibble on me anymore unless she is upset. She allows me to touch her and pet her too! I’m happy I have her.
Also I love degus! They are so clever, like dogs. I used to say that degu is my spirit animal 🙂